A luxurious design with its roots in coastal indoor rugs rug styles that translates into the outdoor environment.

A 3D weave gives the Shindi outdoor rugs a highly textural look. Made of 100% solution-dyed PVC-coated polyester, the rugs are extremely resistant to sun, rain and mildew. Thanks to the natural colours of linen, hemp and wengé, the rugs create a warm and homely cosiness and provide the perfect finishing touch for your patio.

Product info


200 x 200 | 200 x 250 | 200 x 300 | 200 x 350

200 x 450 | 300 x 300 | 300 x 400


Available in Hemp, Linen or Wenge.


Stocked items

We hold a range of items in stock from all the brands we work with. These focus on product such as dining chairs, coffee tables, side tables, dining tables, lighting, outdoor furniture, beds, barstools and a small amount of upholstered items. These can normally be ready for dispatch within 3 - 4 days of receiving an order.

Custom made items

We strive to keep a selection of our best sellers from the import brands we work with in stock, but to keep this range diverse we aren’t able to hold all items in stock, so a number of our imported items will have lead times from around the world. We can provide further lead time information at the time of enquiring as this can vary depending on the time of the year.